Develop Next Level Mentality

Colossians 3:1-2 NKJV

Series: The Principles of Increase - Part 28

September 28th, 2022

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:1-2 

God has created you and I to dominate by being on top of the pile in everything that we do. Growth doesn’t happen by default, but through being intentional about what is required to experience consistent growth and increase. The problem with many people is that they have settled on the average life in their mind. Coronavirus also introduces us to a completely new world of life, to move on from our struggles and enjoy Next Level of Life. You cannot become more than what you are currently without having a next level mentality and perspectives.

As a student of theology, I’ve since learned that nothing remains the same. In fact the only thing that is constant in our world today is change itself. New versions of almost everything are released from time to time so as to make the previous versions obsolete. No matter how high up you are in life today, God is able to take you higher if you will trust Him. You cannot settle in the pursuit of supernatural increase, for making kingdom impacts. It only takes one divine connection to take you to your next level. This is why you cannot minimize your dreams just because someone doesn’t believe in you. Connect with people who are soaring. You need to disconnect from people who are limiting your potential, and connect with people who can help you reach levels you have never seen. Stay connected to people who are going places, who are on another level, and who make you strive to be better. Don’t allow anyone to dim your shine just because they have relegated their dreams to the background of life. Many who have archived their dreams will often find comfort in telling others than they cannot achieve their own dreams and goals. You must seek out those who will help to fan the flames of your dreams.

When David went to the war front, he had a next level mentality. He was so determined to show forth God’s glory to the enemy, that he risked his life fighting with a warrior without a sword or any kind of weapon. That experience was the beginning of his increase in the eyes of the entire nation. David was not just prepared to fight Goliath on that day, he had been prepared ahead of that encounter. Just like someone once said, “The magic happens behind the scenes. Sit on ready so when an opportunity presents itself, you will be prepared.” It’s just like the saying that when the opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. David was young and fearless in confronting the giant, who was a warrior from his youth. Fear has kept so many rooted to their unbelief such that they dare not lift a finger to anything that is new. But next level mentality looks beyond the physical limits and tap into the supernatural power of God. There is always a place at the top for those who dare to believe God for the ridiculous! You must never be satisfied with the crumbs that falls form the table when God has prepared a table full of great foods for you. Our God is the Jehovah Jireh, He is more than enough!

Yesterday, my wife was sharing with me the story of a very successful American woman who made a million dollars in one day, how at the onset of Covid in 2020, she had lost about three hundred thousand dollars, was depressed and afraid of being homeless. It was during this darkest moment that she decided to seek the Lord, and he gave her an idea to start a business that has made her a multi millionaire. Her turning point was when she changed her mentality to seek God and believe Him for more. She has also learnt to build multiple streams of income through her various projects. It doesn’t matter where you are today, if you can look up to God, he will surprise you quickly and speedily. Personally, I believe that there is always something new waiting on the horizon for me each and everyday. Therefore, I wake up every day expecting to step into greatness in every area of my life. Joshua and Caleb had a next level mentality and God honoured their faith in Him. You need to start looking up to the next level that God is taking you to, instead of looking down on yourself and feeling sad for past failures. Let hope rise up from the ashes of past failures and setbacks.

Ponder on this: According to Conrad Hilton, “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but don’t quit.” You must look beyond your past mistakes so you can embrace the great opportunities that are in your future. You must convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, and all will be well. Faith in God will elevate you to next level beyond human comprehension.


I declare that I think only positive, and progressive thoughts. My mind is renewed and my heart is fixed on all that Jesus has made available to me by faith. My best days are not behind me, but ahead of me. God has great and awesome plans for me, and I’ll enjoy the fullness of his blessings as from today onwards. I’ll not experience a better yesterday again as from this day forward. Great grace is available to me to attain greater dimension of God’s glory, and enjoy his supernatural increase all around in Jesus name. Amen.